söndag 30 augusti 2009


Grattis på födelsedagen älskling!


fredag 28 augusti 2009

Tidiga.... zzzz

Varför gick jag inte och la mig tidigare igår för? :< *dör*

Det borde vara förbjudet att gå upp innan 9. Dumma tåg att gå så tidigt.

torsdag 20 augusti 2009

Back from Denmark 2

This blog does not like alot of pictures, So I had to make a new post. *mutters*

A badass looking Chal ->

And they have these cars with sausages driving around town! The sausage cars! I mean come on! "Sausage on the move!" How awesome aint that? We have alot to learn..

I almost feel abit sorry for him, I bet he was embarrased alot of times for us. It didn't really help that the only danish thing we could say was "Jeg lekker en bee i din bil" (I probebely spelled it fuck wrong) But that was the only thing we could say.. It basically means. "I crap in your car."

... Yes. To quote someone "How the hell could Dazz and Richard ever let the two of you out alone. You two should never be let loose together.. Ever."

*Add alot of fun things and larping clothes and we are wrapping things up*

On the way home, we got stuck in Norrköping, and entertained ouselves with taking pictures. Arn't we the cute ones? And behold, The Chal is smiling *snickers* :3

Back from Denmark.

Abit earlier then we thought.. But what the hell.
We had an awesome time!
I will post you some pictures so you will understand. Im sure Chal was very tired of us when we left xD Poor thing. But yeah.. It was really awesome :>

But the trip didn't really start good at all! We were going to the tax free and were going to buy some cheap vodka. The guy asked us where we were going, and we said Denmark. (We thought it was some kind of a counting or something, like where people are going) But at the moment we said that, the guy at the counter removed the vodka with a smirk on his lips. He then said that we couldn't buy it cuz of some law or something. I thought he was kidding and said "Yeah, relly funny.... Are you serious?" With a O.O face. I wanted my damn vodka. But sadly.. it was true. We couldn't buy it :< So we only got a 4 pack of Lekerol... *Sobs* Ah well.. They have cheap alcohol in Denmark atleast.

After getting to the airport in Denmark, mixing up names and stuff, a confused Tess and Irre reaches Odense. We never really got the Kastrup and Lufthavn thing there at the start. (Wich apperently was the same thing) I can Imagine Chal sitting facepalming at us xD And after an amusing trip with the train, we got to know a very interessting guy we named "The fast hand" He apperently had crabs or something. (Lets just leave it at that)

But we reached the destination after all! A few movies and sleeping was about what we did the first day. And discovered Chals flying fish.. Wich was hilarious. And yeah.. Irre almost broke the place down the first thing she did. xD

The second day... We went out to this really awesome place where we ate spareribs. Om nom nom nom. And after that, a metal/rock bar and an Irish pub. :> Lets just say that the day was awesome. We met Chal's sister aswell and patted a blue cow, force fed Irre with brockoli, and I almost fell into a small pod. :>

There is too much to tell about really... But I can't be arsed now xD So lets just... Give you this picture instead.

That... thing. Im not really sure what it is. It was under this... Steady statue I saw.
When I first saw it, I just froze in place. Pointing at it. "What the..... Irre?"
Danish art...
Ofcourse me and Irre couldn't resist...

onsdag 19 augusti 2009

Hemma snart igen.

Sitter och væntar i den glømda lego lego landet Danmark.
Vi ska bege oss hem igen om en timme, lite tidigare æn planerat.. Men det hade blivit lite missførstånd, så vad gør man inte?

Uppdaterar lite mer nær vi kommer hem. Hej så længe!

torsdag 13 augusti 2009


Starlight Starbright, first star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might.
Have this wish I wish tonight.

onsdag 12 augusti 2009


Irre is home now, so everything is back to normal here at Trollsvansens kollektiv.

I made a blog for my father and his friends at their work, so do me a favor and go in there and make a comment or anything so they get happy. xD


So they have something to do when beeing at work. :>

The wipe.. Oh the wipe.

Wiped my computer clean, so have to install all things again >> The reason was that vista was fucking up my C: So in the end, I didn't even have a half gig left.

So now im struggeling to find my WoW CD's, crying over that all my programs are lost. But well, it had to be done.

Feeling abit better today, still having a cold but meh. Can't get all down over just that eh?
Going to take the bike to my fathers work to hand him some cookies I made twoi days ago. (I burned them slightly, hence why he gets them :> )
Im such a nice daughter.

Found this old picture again when I was cleaning through all old stuffs I have.
EoS -We don't suffer from insanity, we love every minute of it.

tisdag 11 augusti 2009

Got a cold T.T

Feel sorry for me. My life contains of tissues and nose spray. T_T

As soon as I get some days off, ofcourse now is the time to get sick.. Arn't I the lucky one?
Atleast I have some days to get better on before we are heading to Denmark. Too much stuffs that needs to be done, to many things to sew. Thank god Irre is comming home again tomorrow. She will make everything work.
Miss you darling <3

I am acually thinking about starting with warhammer. Not to play it, but just to paint. Everyone around me is doing it, and after beeing very firm saying no, since I can't really be arsed wasting money and time on something I don't really want to do... Im starting to feel strangly attracted to it.. Like.. I need to paint something. But I don't want to paint others stuffs anymore. I want something for myself.

But the question then is: What to choose? Chaos, or Chaos Deamons?


Imma think for a while about that..... If I should start at all. Hmm.

lördag 8 augusti 2009

The truth.

Tänkt att det alltid är så, att såfort man är det minsta ofräsh. Hoppar i några sketna jogging byxor, en stor tröja och precis kommit ifrån jobbet. Det är då, man träffar folk man inte sett på skitlänge.
Så, om ni vill träffa nån ni inte sett på as länge. Gör er så dräggiga som möjligt! Det funkar!

Nu måste jag in i ett bad innan jag dör.

söndag 2 augusti 2009

Move-in party

To sum up the whole move-in party. It was awesome. Nuff said. :>

Me and Andrea sitting outside talking, beeing Awesome.

Madde and Nisse on the kitchen floor. Why do we always end up there? xD

The party mood was on :> Nesken, Tomas and Erik.

And last... A very happy Fredrik with rum. Apperently I made him a drink in that bottle. Im awesome. Or so they told me. xD